9 Benefits of Opening a Company in Singapore

9 Benefits of Opening a Company in Singapore

18 Nov 2018 | Incorporation

5mins read




Singapore has earned a reputation as a global business hub, attracting entrepreneurs and businesses from around the world. In this article, we will explore the ten key benefits of opening a company in Singapore and why it is an attractive destination for business ventures.

What are the Benefits of Starting a Company in Singapore?

1. Strategic Location and Global Connectivity

Singapore’s strategic location in Southeast Asia provides businesses with unparalleled access to major global markets. Its world-class transportation infrastructure ensures seamless connectivity by air and sea.

2. Stable Political and Economic Environment

With a stable political landscape and strong governance, Singapore provides a secure environment for businesses to thrive. Its resilient and robust economy, backed by sound fiscal policies, offers stability and confidence to investors.

stable political environment in singapore

3. Business-Friendly Policies and Regulations

Singapore is known for its pro-business policies and efficient regulatory framework. The ease of doing business, transparent legal system, and supportive government initiatives make it a hassle-free environment for company setup and operation.

4. Favorable Taxation System

Singapore offers a competitive tax regime with low corporate tax rates and attractive tax incentives. The city-state also has an extensive network of double taxation avoidance agreements, allowing businesses to optimize their tax planning.

favorable taxation system in singapore

5. Access to Global Talent Pool

Singapore’s immigration policies attract a diverse pool of global talent. The availability of highly skilled professionals, coupled with a strong local workforce, enables businesses to build talented teams and drive innovation.

global talent pool in singapore

6. Strong Intellectual Property Protection

Singapore prioritizes intellectual property protection, providing a robust legal framework and effective enforcement mechanisms. Businesses can confidently safeguard their trademarks, copyrights, and patents.

7. World-Class Infrastructure and Technology

Singapore boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, including modern transportation networks, reliable utilities, and advanced telecommunication systems. The city-state embraces technological advancements, creating opportunities for businesses to thrive in a digital economy.

8. Extensive Network of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)

Singapore has an extensive network of FTAs, allowing businesses to access global markets with reduced trade barriers. Companies can enjoy preferential treatment and tap into new markets through Singapore’s trade agreements.

9. Business Expansion Opportunities

As a regional business hub, Singapore offers numerous opportunities for business expansion. Its well-established financial ecosystem, supportive government initiatives, and access to capital markets make it an attractive destination for growth.

How to Register a Company in Singapore

To register a company in Singapore, you need to follow these general steps:

  • Decide on the business structure and company name.
  • Engage a professional firm, such as Margin Wheeler, to assist with the incorporation process.
  • Prepare the necessary documents, including the company’s constitution and shareholder details.
  • Submit the incorporation application to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  • Pay the required fees and obtain the necessary licenses and permits, if applicable.
  • Open a corporate bank account and fulfill other post-incorporation obligations.


Opening a company in Singapore comes with numerous benefits, ranging from its strategic location and favorable policies to access to global markets and talent. If you’re ready to start your business journey in Singapore, Margin Wheeler can provide expert assistance through our comprehensive incorporation services.

At Margin Wheeler, we specialize in Singapore company formation and are renowned as one of the best business setup consultants in Singapore. Our team of experienced professionals understands the intricacies of the local incorporation process and can guide you every step of the way.

Start your company formation in Singapore with Margin Wheeler’s professional incorporation service. Contact us today to get started and experience the ease of setting up your business in Singapore.