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Work Permit
Application Service

The Foreign Worker Levy (FWL) is a pricing mechanism by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower to regulate foreign workers. Employers must pay a monthly levy to the government.

The number of foreign workers any one company can employ is also regulated by the Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC) system, which dictates the maximum permitted ratio of foreign workers to the total workforce of the company.

Sector-Specific Requirements

The Work Permit allows migrant workers from approved countries/regions to work in specific sectors. Requirements include medical insurance, security bond, quota, and levy, varying based on the desired industry.

Margin Wheeler Work Permit Background

Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process Sector

Foreign workers from the following countries are eligible for a Singapore Work Permit in the construction, marine shipyard, and process sectors:

  • Bangladesh
  • Hong Kong*
  • India
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • People's Republic of China (PRC)
  • Philippines
  • South Korea
  • Sri Lanka
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand

*You must have a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport (HKSAR).

Statutory Audit Exempted Section Background

Manufacturing and Service Sector

Foreign workers from the following countries are eligible for a Singapore Work Permit in the manufacturing and services sectors:

  • Hong Kong*
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • People's Republic of China (PRC)
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan

*You must have a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport (HKSAR).

Get our Work Permit application services at S$500 per applicant now!

*For opening of MOM account, we charge an additional S$200.