A Simple Guide To Bookkeeping For Beginners

A Simple Guide To Bookkeeping For Beginners

20 Jan 2019 | Accounting

5mins read



A Simple Guide To Bookkeeping For Beginners

What Is Bookkeeping and Why Is It Important

Bookkeeping is the fundamental process of systematically recording, organizing, and tracking a company’s financial transactions, from the opening to closing of the firm. It serves as the backbone of financial management, providing a comprehensive record of all monetary activities. Bookkeeping involves the meticulous documentation of income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, ensuring that every financial movement is accurately captured and categorized.

Bookkeeping vs Accounting

Before we delve into bookkeeping, it is important to understand that bookkeeping and accounting are not the same. While bookkeeping and accounting share a close partnership, they play distinct roles in the financial symphony. Bookkeeping precedes accounting. A bookkeeper records, classifies and organises transactions according to the firm’s chart of account. At the end of a certain time period, the accountant takes this information from the bookkeeper and analyzes, interprets and reports these financial records for the business firm. The accountant also prepares the year-end financial statement and the proper accounts for the firm. In essence, bookkeeping sets the stage, and accounting takes the spotlight to translate financial data into meaningful insights that guide the firm toward success.

a bookkeepers key roles

What Does a Bookkeeper Do

A bookkeeper’s core roles revolve around maintaining accurate financial records and ensuring the smooth financial operations of a business. Here’s a concise breakdown of their key responsibilities:

  1. Recording Transactions: Bookkeepers meticulously log every financial transaction, from sales and purchases to expenses and payments, ensuring that each entry is accurate and complete.
  2. Classifying and Categorizing: They categorize transactions into appropriate accounts, ensuring that financial data is organized and easy to interpret. This step is essential for generating meaningful financial reports.
  3. Data Entry: Bookkeepers enter financial information into accounting systems, maintaining up-to-date and well-organized records.
  4. Bank Reconciliation: They reconcile bank statements with recorded transactions, identifying any discrepancies and ensuring that the financial records match the actual financial position.
  5. Assisting with Payroll: Bookkeepers may be responsible for calculating employee wages, taxes, and other deductions, ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing.

In essence, a bookkeeper’s role is to maintain the financial backbone of a business, ensuring that financial data is accurate, well-organized, and readily available for analysis and decision-making.

11 Accounts you should know

Bookkeeping accounts form the foundational building blocks of financial record-keeping, each serving a distinct purpose in capturing a company’s financial landscape. Here are 11 key bookkeeping accounts that you need to familiarise yourself with:

  • Assets: Everything that holds value in your business is considered an asset. This is inclusive of cash in your bank accounts, your accounts receivable, balance, as well as inventory, computers and furniture
  • Liabilities: Debts that your business owes are considered liabilities, such as accounts payable balance and loans.
  • Revenue/income: Any earnings by your business through the sale of products or services.
  • Expenses: Anything that requires the spending of money from your company, including things such as your electric bill and employee salaries.
  • Equity: Business assets minus business liabilities equals equity, which reflects your financial interest in the business.
  • Ledger: A record of all financial transactions and their corresponding accounts.
  • Financial Statements: Documents that summarize a company’s financial activities, including the balance sheet and profit and loss statement.
  • Balance Sheet: A snapshot of a company’s financial position at a specific point in time, showing its assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement: Also known as the income statement, it provides an overview of a company’s revenues, expenses, and net profit or loss over a specific period.
  • Chart of Accounts: A list of all the accounts used in a company’s accounting system to classify and record financial transactions.
  • Journal Entry: A detailed record of a single financial transaction, including the accounts affected and the monetary amounts involved.

How to Start Bookkeeping

Starting bookkeeping may seem complex, but with the right approach, you can establish a solid foundation for organized financial management. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Learn Key Concepts: Begin by grasping essential terms such as assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses, and equity. This understanding forms the basis of accurate record-keeping.

Choose a Method: Decide between single-entry or double-entry bookkeeping. Single-entry is simpler, recording only income and expenses, while double-entry captures both debits and credits for each transaction, offering a more comprehensive view.

Set Up Accounts: Create a chart of accounts tailored to your business. This list categorizes transactions, making it easier to track and organize financial data. Common accounts include cash, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and expense categories.

Select Your Tools: Opt for tools that suit your needs, whether it’s traditional paper records, spreadsheet software, or specialized accounting platforms.

Record Transactions: Begin by recording each financial transaction. Include details like dates, descriptions, amounts, and relevant accounts. Accurate and timely recording is vital to ensure comprehensive financial records.

Categorize Transactions: Group transactions into their respective accounts based on your chart. This organization streamlines tracking and reporting.

Margin Wheeler: Your Trusted Bookkeeping Partner in Singapore

The larger your company grows, the greater the need for a system that will help you make the bookkeeping process more efficient. If bookkeeping is proving to be too much of a hassle for you, reach out to us at Margin Wheeler where we’ll get all these done for you.

With a proven track record of 5-star excellence, Margin Wheeler offers comprehensive bookkeeping services tailored to meet your business’s unique financial needs. Whether you’re a small startup or an established enterprise, our team of skilled bookkeepers is dedicated to ensuring accurate and organized financial records. Contact us today and take the first step towards streamlined financial management.